Are Self-Ligating Braces More Expensive?

Getting a beautiful and healthy smile involves important orthodontic treatments. One popular option for correcting crowded teeth and improper bites is self-ligating braces. But one of the questions that you often think about is if they come at a higher cost compared to traditional braces. 

In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence the cost of Self-Ligating Braces and the expert services provided by a specialized orthodontic clinic in your area.

Average Cost of Self-Ligating Braces

Before delving into the factors influencing the cost, it’s essential to have a general idea of the average cost of self-ligating braces. On average, Self-Ligating Braces in Canada can range from $6,000 to $7,500. However, it’s important to note that individual costs may vary depending on various factors.

Factors That Influence Cost of Self-Ligating Braces

The factors that influence the cost of self-ligating braces include: 

  1. Type of Braces

The type of braces you choose can impact the overall cost. Self-ligating braces are a modern advancement in orthodontic treatment and are known for their efficiency and comfort. Traditional braces, easily recognizable by their metal brackets and elastic bands, are a standard option.

The advanced technology and additional benefits of self-ligating braces may slightly influence the cost.

  1. Treatment Complexity

The complexity of the orthodontic treatment required is a key determinant in the overall cost. Cases of severe crowding or misalignment may require more extensive treatment, which could affect the pricing.

  • Crowding occurs when there is not enough space in the jaw for all the teeth, causing them to overlap or become twisted.
  • Misalignment refers to teeth that do not fit together properly, leading to an improper bite, which can result in discomfort and difficulty in chewing.

Both self-ligating and traditional braces can handle various orthodontic issues, but the choice may depend on the specific needs of the patient.

Factors That Influence Cost of Self-Ligating Braces
  1. Material Quality

The materials used in orthodontic braces can vary in quality, and this can have an effect on the cost. Self-ligating braces are often made from high-quality materials that offer durability and aesthetic appeal. Traditional braces use more affordable materials, which could reflect in the overall cost.

The type of wires used to move teeth can also influence the overall cost of the treatment. Some of the wires used in the initial stages of the treatment can be of a very flexible nature, thereby resulting in a very gradual force being applied to the teeth. These wires are usually more expensive in comparison to wires that are not as flexible.

  1. Treatment Duration

Longer treatment periods may require more adjustments, consultations, and maintenance, impacting the overall expense. Self-ligating braces are often designed to require fewer adjustments compared to traditional braces, which could be a consideration in the final cost.

  1. Orthodontist’s Expertise

The experience and expertise of the orthodontist are vital factors that can affect the cost of treatment. An experienced orthodontist will offer specialized services and personalized treatment plans. While their services may come at a higher price, the assurance of quality and exceptional results is invaluable.

  1. Diagnostic Tests and Imaging

Before starting any orthodontic treatment, diagnostic tests and imaging, such as X-rays and 3D scans, are often necessary for an accurate treatment plan. The costs associated with these diagnostic procedures may be included in the overall treatment cost.

  1. Insurance Coverage

The type of insurance you have can affect how much you’ll need to pay for orthodontic treatment. Some insurance plans may help cover some of the costs, but others may not cover orthodontics at all. It’s essential to understand your insurance coverage to plan for your orthodontic expenses effectively.


The cost of Self-Ligating Braces may be influenced by various factors that go beyond the type of braces alone. Factors such as the complexity of treatment, materials used, treatment duration, and the orthodontist’s expertise all play a role in determining the final expense.

At Grand Oaks Orthodontics, we understand that each patient’s needs are unique, so we provide tailored treatment plans to ensure the best results. While self-ligating braces may have a slightly higher cost range due to their advanced technology and benefits, the investment in your smile’s health and appearance is undoubtedly worthwhile.

If you are considering orthodontic treatment for crowded teeth or improper bites, we encourage you to reach out to us for a free consultation. We will help you achieve the smile of your dreams while considering the factors that influence the cost of self-ligating braces for your specific case.