Consider Invisalign to get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted - without braces.



Straightening your teeth with Invisalign can be a great option if you’re concerned about your appearance and don’t want to look different from your friends.

Invisalign Braces created a system that meets the unique needs of teens and adults. Invisalign can be a great clear option for patients shying away from traditional braces.

Invisalign aligners are made of clear plastic and almost invisible. Straightening your teeth with Invisalign can be a great option if you’re concerned about your appearance and don’t want to look different from your friends.


The Invisalign Braces Oakville system is made of clear acrylic aligners that fit over your teeth and are designed to straighten your smile. They’re removable, making it easier to eat, drink, brush and floss. Invisalign Braces is much more comfortable than traditional metal bracket braces and can give you stunning results. We'll take photos and X-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. We make your first set of custom-fitted aligners from these images, and then you begin the process of straightening your teeth.

You’ll probably wear Invisalign aligners for 5–18 months depending on the needs of your treatments.

You wear the trays for about 22 hours a day but can remove them for brushing your teeth and eating. Based on your individual needs, you’ll wear several sets of trays throughout your orthodontic treatment. You’ll start to notice a change in just a few months!

What are invisalign aligners


Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth. It uses a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth.

Wearing the aligners will gently move your teeth into place little by little, based on the exact movements your orthodontist plans for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners about every two weeks, until your treatment is complete.

You’ll get a great smile without a treatment that gets in the way of your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth.
This nearly-invisible option to straighten your teeth is truly changing the way people see orthodontic treatment.
Dr. Sood has a lot of experience treating patients with Invisalign braces Oakville, and we’re excited to offer this technology to our Oakville, Burlington, Milton and Mississagua patients.



FACTORS                                            BRACES                                                      INVISALIGN
Case Selection Work better for simple to very complex cases Could work for complex cases and is dependent on the experience of the Orthodontist
Wear Time Being attached to teeth they work for 24/7 towards the treatment goals. Minimum 22 hours per day suggested. To be remove only for meals and brushing
Cleaning and Maintenance Brushing and flossing need special care until these skills are aquired after a few days on braces. Aligners can be removed  making it easier to clean.
Patient Compliance Important for maintenance of the braces in terms of not biting on anything that is hard or crunchy. Critical to wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day to allow the transfer of treatment built in the aligner to the teeth.
Emergencies Poking of the wire occasionally or a loose brace at times that need to be fixed Very rare
Visits Every 6-8 weeks depending on the stage of the treatment for approx. 20 minutes/visit Every 8 – 12 weeks for approx 20 minutes/visit


It’s important to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours each day so they can do their job and straighten your teeth. With Invisalign, you can remove your aligners for special occasions.
Like with traditional braces, you’ll generally need to wear a retainer after Invisalign Braces Treatment Oakville treatment to maintain your new alignment and your confident new smile.

Invisalign may not be recommended for some complex alignment or bite issues, the doctor can advise you about what options are best for you.

Schedule your free consultation at our Oakville office to learn if Invisalign is right for you.

invisalign braces oakville


Invisalign aligners are made of almost invisible polyurethane plastic. Rather than being fixed to the teeth as  braces are, these aligners are completely removable for important social occasions, for eating, and for tooth-brushing and flossing. This advantage can also be their strongest disadvantage since compliance on the patient’s part to remember to wear them for the prescribed hours is absolutely essential for the success of the treatment with the Invisalign aligners.

Invisalign aligners work the same way as conventional braces do, that is by applying carefully controlled forces to teeth.

Under guidance from Dr. Sood, Invisalign computer software designs a treatment plan for moving your teeth from their current positions into their best possible position. This movement is then broken down into multiple stages. For each stage Invisalign manufactures a set of “aligners” or “trays”. You initiate treatment by wearing the first set of trays for two weeks or as advised by Dr. Sood for a minimum of 22 hours per day. You will then proceed on to the next set of aligners in the series to accomplish the next stage of gradual movement and continue to do this until the treatment goals are achieved.

Two features have been added to conventional Invisalign aligners to make them work for teenagers. Firstly, “eruption tabs” hold the appropriate amount of space for premolars that have not fully-grown into the mouth. Secondly, the aligners come with “blue compliance indicators” built into the aligner material, which fade with wear. This allows orthodontists, parents, and the teens themselves to make sure that the trays are being worn as prescribed.

An inconspicuous look – If you do not desire your orthodontic appliance to be distinctly visible, then Invisalign aligners would meet your expectations.

Improved oral hygiene – Since they can be removed, it is easier to clean teeth and maintain good oral hygiene.

No dietary restrictions – To prevent breakage of the components of braces some diet restrictions are mandatory. However, s, this is not a limitation with Invisalign aligners and you can bite into an apple or a crispy cookie.

Comfort – The soft, flexible texture of Invisalign aligners does not irritate the soft tissues of the mouth similar to metal wires and braces.

Although Invisalign aligner technology has improved over the years and can correct many improper bites there are still some cases for which braces would be the appliance of choice.

During your complementary consult visit Dr. Sood will evaluate if you are a candidate for the Invisalign aligners.