How To Keep Your Invisalign Clean

What Are Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure that straightens teeth without the unmistakable appearance of traditional braces. This procedure is frequently considered to be in the vanguard of the most current advances that have been made in orthodontic technology.

The thermoplastic aligners that are worn during the Invisalign treatment process come with a number of advantages, one of which is that they require essentially no further maintenance to stay in good condition in addition to practicing proper dental hygiene on a consistent basis. 

When compared to braces made of metal, this feature contributes to the fact that they are an orthodontic system that is substantially more convenient to use.

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How Often Should You Clean Your Invisalign Aligners/Retainers?

The frequency of cleaning your Invisalign aligners/retainer will be determined by how long you wear your aligners/retainers. You should clean your Invisalign aligners at least twice a day. It is also preferable to be done at the same time each time that you brush your teeth. 

Tips On How To Clean Your Invisalign Aligners/Retainers

Keep your Invisalign aligners/retainers clean by adhering to these simple guidelines from Invisalign!

Use Your Toothbrush

When you search the internet for information on how to clean your Invisalign trays you will come across many items manufactured specifically for this objective and currently available on the market. 

Brushing Invisalign Retainers using a toothbrush with soft bristles and rinsing them in lukewarm water is the easiest, cheapest, and most efficient way to clean them, even though these items have the potential to be successful in the cleaning process.

However, toothpaste is not suggested to be used on clear plastic retainers or aligners since it can be abrasive and cause scratches on the plastic. 

If your toothbrush has a lot of plaque on it or if it has started to smell, you may use a liquid soap that is clear, odorless, and mild in addition to your toothbrush to clean your teeth. 

Be careful to give your teeth a thorough rinsing with water to remove any trace of soap before inserting your retainer or aligners. Additionally, it would be best if you never rinsed your aligners in hot water since doing so might distort them and make it difficult for them to fit correctly.

Use Effective Cleaner Brands

Several different brands of retainer cleaners are also effective in providing a thorough cleaning for your aligners or retainers. This includes brands such as Listerine, ACT, and Scope. 

While these are not necessary for a good cleaning process, they can help eliminate any bacteria or food particles trapped in your aligner or retainer that could eventually cause tooth decay.

When choosing a brand of aligner/retainer cleaner to buy, it is essential to look at how gentle the formula is on your aligners and how effective it is at removing plaque and other stains. 

Some brands will be particularly harsh on your aligners and could damage them over time if used regularly. Other brands may experience dents or cracks after being exposed to certain cleaners.

Use Cleaning Tablets For Aligners/Retainers

There are tablets explicitly designed to clean retainers, but you may use a regular denture cleanser. To clean retainers like Invisalign or aligners using retainer cleanser, place the appliance to be cleaned in a container and cover it with enough room temperature water to submerge it thoroughly. 

Dissolving the retainer cleaning tablet requires stirring or shaking the container while the tablet is immersed in the water. After allowing your appliance to soak for the recommended amount of time, whether it be 15 minutes or more, you should rinse it with water thoroughly.

Use Distilled White Vinegar

Most often distilled white vinegar can be used in the cleaning process. 

White vinegar is harmless, but it may also eliminate the buildup of plaque and germs on your retainers and aligners and eliminate bad breath. In a container, combine three parts of lukewarm water with one piece of distilled white vinegar, then whisk the mixture well. 

Place your retainer or aligners into the container and ensure the water and vinegar mixture covers them thoroughly. First, give your appliance time to soak for fifteen to thirty minutes, then thoroughly clean it with water.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Another component helpful in cleaning aligners/retainers that you can make on your own is hydrogen peroxide. After adding the water and hydrogen peroxide to the container, give them a good stir until they are completely mixed together. 

Place your Invisalign aligners or clear retainer into the container and tilt it to ensure that the solution surrounds them. First, give the appliance time to soak for fifteen to thirty minutes, then thoroughly clean it with water.

Use an Ultrasonic Cleaning Product

One last piece of advice for maintaining the cleanliness of your Invisalign aligners and retainers is to invest in an ultrasonic cleaner. Again, this is completely optional, especially considering that you will only be using the aligners for a predetermined length of time. 

However, if you are willing to invest a little bit more money, these gadgets are fantastic for thoroughly cleaning retainers, clear aligners, mouthguards, and other dental items. Even if you use an ultrasonic cleaner, you should rinse off your appliance before inserting it back into your mouth. 

Additionally, it would help if you continued to brush your Invisalign aligners or clear retainers regularly in between having your ultrasonic device perform a more thorough cleaning.

Consult Us Today!

At Grand Oaks Orthodontics, we help our patients choose suitable retainers for their needs. We can also give valuable advice on how to keep them clean. Whether you need help choosing the best products for keeping your aligners and retainers clean or you’d like to schedule an appointment with our expert orthodontist, we are here to help.

Contact us today to learn more! We are happy to answer any questions you may have, and we look forward to helping you keep your aligners and retainers clean, healthy, and looking your best!​