The Face-Off: Hawley Or Essix?

A retainer is a custom-made appliance that helps teeth maintain their new, corrected positions after braces have been removed. Patients wear retainers to prevent their teeth from shifting back to their original positions. 

There are different types of retainers. However, Hawley Retainer and an Essix retainer are popular choices. They are both effective in maintaining the results of orthodontic treatment. But, there are some critical differences between the two that patients should be aware of.

You may wonder, “What is a Hawley Retainer and what is an Essix Retainer?” Do not fret, for the differences are notable! Here’s a face-off of the pros and cons to help you make the best decision for your smile.

Hawley Retainers

The Hawley Retainer is the most commonly used type of retainer. It is made of metal wires attached to acrylic (plastic) material. It is attached to the front teeth and extends around the back of the mouth, gripping the teeth in place.

The wire is then connected to the plastic pieces that fit over the gum line. Hawley retainers are custom-made for each patient and can be worn on upper or lower teeth. The Hawley Retainer is durable and can last many years with proper care.


  • It is very effective in maintaining the new position of your teeth.
  • It is less likely to irritate your gums.
  • It is easy to adjust if necessary.
  • It is easy to clean and does not require as much care.
  • It is less expensive than other types of retainers.


  • It is not as invisible as other types of retainers.
  • Its effectiveness depends on the care taken by the patient to maintain it.
  • It can be risky if you do not wear Hawley Retainers as often as you should.
  • It requires dedicated compliance than other types of retainers that are fixed top to the teeth.
  • It must be treated with the utmost care to maintain its fit.

Essix Retainers

You may now ask, “What does an Essix Retainer with teeth look like?”

Patients who favour the appearance of retainers are typically fitted with an Essix Retainer rather than an upper Hawley retainer. An Essix retainer is a clear plastic dental device used to maintain the position of teeth after braces have been removed. The Essix retainer is made of clear plastic that covers your entire teeth.

You may ask for a custom upper Essix Retainer that fits over your upper teeth. This clear plastic retainers are almost invisible, feel comfortable, and fit snugly over the teeth. 


  • It is almost invisible.
  • It is very effective in maintaining the new position of your teeth.
  • It is very comfortable to wear and is less likely to irritate your gums.
  • You can easily remove the Essix retainer for eating and brushing your teeth.
  • You can remove it for taking photos.


  • You must be careful not to lose or break the Essix Retainer.
  • It is more expensive than other types of retainer.
  • Even if you take good care of it, you will still need to get a new one every year because of the natural wear and tear that occurs.
  • The slight movement of your bite might be caused by the tiny layer of plastic placed between your teeth.

Wearing A Retainer

Most patients wear their Hawley Retainer all the time initially after getting their Braces off. After that, patients typically only need to wear their retainer while they sleep. they typically only need to wear the retainer at night.

An Essix Retainer should also be worn for full time initially after getting braces off. After that, patients typically only need to wear their retainer at night while they sleep. Following your orthodontist’s instructions on how long to wear your retainer is essential to ensure that your teeth maintain their new position. 

Caring For Your Retainer

Whether it is a Hawley Retainer or an Essix Retainer, it is important to clean your retainer every day. Rinse your retainer thoroughly with water before putting it back in your mouth.

You should also remember to avoid eating hard or sticky foods while wearing your retainer because these foods can damage or break your appliance. Finally, be sure to store your retainer in its case when you are not wearing it so that it does not get lost or damaged. 

Dr. Sood will give you more specific instructions on how to care for your retainers. It is essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your retainer lasts a long time. In addition, practice good oral hygiene by cleaning it every day!

At Grand Oaks Orthodontics, we ensure you get the type of retainers that best suit you!

Contact us and get your new retainers today!